Monday, 18 June 2018

June 17/2018

June 17, 2018
This week we were in Fiji for a Humanitarian conference with other missionaries from the South Pacific. There were missionaries there from Kiribati, Papa New Guinea, Vanuatu, Tonga, French Polynesia, Fiji,and New Zealand. It was great to talk with and see the work that everyone is doing. We were able to find some time to do some sight seeing; Scott did some snorkeling and we went to the Temple in Fiji one evening. It was a great week.
Fiji Temple

While in Fiji we meet Paul Whippy who was at our conference from Fiji. Uncle Boyd Harris would know him. Brother Whippy spoke of some of the history of the church and Uncle Boyd is part of that. Back in 1954, Uncle Boyd was one of the first missionaries in the Fiji mission. US citizens could not buy land there, so they asked a Canadian missionary by the name of Elder Harris to purchase it, so they could build a LDS chapel. The land stayed in his name for 9 years. It was very cool to meet some of these people and hear about the history and how much they love Uncle Boyde. Boyd and his family were able to travel to Fiji this past October, and people still talk of how much they loved meeting his family and how wonderful they all were.
Uncle Boyd's friends in Fiji

Today is Father’s Day and I want to say Happy Father’s Day to my dad.
Thank you, dad, for all your hard work and for providing for your family. I’m sure it was challenging at times and to pack up the family and move to Utah, to go to school must have been a worry at times but we all survived.  There were many times I know that were not easy but I’m thankful for your testimony and know how precious that is to you and how hard you’ve worked to understand the atonement in your life. I know you’re proud of your family and we are proud of you dad, I love you and will see you in 11 months time.
I also want to say Happy Father’s Day to my husband and the father of our children.
Thank you for your love of the gospel. You have been, and continue to be an example of hard work, love, kindness and charity. The countless hours spent on coaching our children in everything from life, church, and sports have helped to make them the good, kind and responsible kids they are today. You are a one of a kind grandpa who truly loves and cares for each one of his grand kids. You love to get up early and walk them to the bus, to play catch, to teach them to fish, to skate and to swim and to have sleep overs and to tell scary stories around the fire at night. You give advice about stinky boys to your daughters and grand daughters. These and many more memories will forever be with them. You are truly an example to us all and we love you.  
I saw a quote that said, “If you keep adding pebbles of kindness, compassion, listening, sacrifice, understanding and selflessness eventually a mighty pyramid will begin to grow.” I think we have a great start on that pyramid!
Elder Cameron makes another friend

It was wonderful to walk out of the airport doors and see Rissa there, to come home and see all the treasures she brought from Canada and Bozeman. Thank you, Madge, for the flip flops and T shirt, we now have Canadian flags to put up on Canada Day, how fun is that? Scott was excited to see his fishing stuff and the other treats that were sent, thank you family, the wonderful cards from grandkids. It was almost as good as Christmas.
Rissa is finally here!

I saw that Preident Nelson spoke in Southern Alberta, Calgary and Edmonton recently. How wonderful to have the prophet so close and to be able to hear his words of inspiration and love. As I read the talk by Preident Nelson and his wife at the June 3rd devotional my thoughts were of our grandchildren that are now teenagers and to the ones that will be in the near future. Listen to the prophet for he will not lead you astray. I love his final thoughts,

"Set a standard for the rest of the world! Embrace being different! The booklet entitled For the Strength of Youth should be your standard. It is the standard that the Lord expects all His youth to uphold. Now, as His humble servant, I plead with you to study this booklet again. Prayerfully read it like you’ve never read it before. Mark it up. Talk about it. Discuss the standards with your friends. Decide how you can live these standards, your standards, with even more exactness.
My beloved younger brothers and sisters, you are among the best the Lord has ever sent to this world. You have the capacity to be smarter and wiser and have more impact on the world than any previous generation!"

I see how amazing our granchildren are and the great things they will be able to accomplish if they follow the words of our dear prophet and remember to always stay close to the Lord, Stay the path.  
We love and miss you all, time just keeps marching on! Remember, Be Happy and Be Kind!

Scott and Pam

Elder Fata with us in Fiji

Hospital in Fiji

View from our window in Fiji
Family in Fiji
June Calendar

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