Sunday, 13 May 2018

May 13/2018

May 13, 2018
Happy Mother’s Day, there are many women out there that have influenced me in so many ways but I would like to at this time especially to thank my mom for her commitment, dedication, love and selflessness. Thank you for your example of Love for the Savior and your family. Your road has not always been easy, but you’ve handled it with strength and promise. Elder Holland says, “Thank you. Thank you for giving birth, for shaping souls, for forming character, and for demonstrating the pure love of Christ.”      So, to my mother I say………

Mother's Day Breakfast
Fun Breakfast
Cooking up the Bacon

Our thoughts and prayers are with Trevor Spooner and family today as they are dealing with an accident that happened over the weekend. We were sorry to hear about it and hope that things will turn out the best they can for you.
We had a week of handovers, site visits, getting projects ready to submit and once again some great moments when we saw the Lord’s hand in our lives.
On Tuesday we travelled to Savai’i , the 25 Water Tank project was coming to an end for us as we officially along with Elder Fata our Area Seventy handed over the tanks to the Village of Asau. After a couple speeches, pictures taken, lunch was served, there was so much food. We were given a #2 pig that was stuffed and roasted and 2 big cans of corn beef, we gave these to the Public Affairs person that was there with us. Our lunch consisted of  a fish, chicken, a hot dog, pork, taro, vegetables, we couldn’t begin to eat it all so we took it with us and while traveling the roads we came across a little house back in the bush without power or water we stopped the truck, a woman came out to meet us and we offered her the food and drink. She was pretty happy about it and we were pleased to be able to help. We got about 50 meters down the road and turned around to go back to give this woman a solar light as well.
Fresh Water

Asau Handover

High Chief of Asau

After the Asau Handover we headed to The Diabetes Pilot Program Graduation, it was a fun evening of celebrating the achievements of those involved. Here in Samoa, if you are able to graduate from a program and receive a certificate that is quite an honor and something they see as very important and a great reason to celebrate. So that’s what we did. The Stake President spoke, Elder Fata spoke, we then handed out the certificates, did some Zumba, the grads each supplied a healthy snack, Elder Cameron and I made smoothies for all which were a huge hit, it was a great evening!
Competition Winners

Savai'i Grads

Elder Cameron Speaking at Grad

A neat thing happened on our site visit Wed. morning, we were to meet with the Village Orator (who have the power and authority to officiate in all community and village functions, they pass laws and regulations and they decide on all public matters which concern the welfare of the village) unfortunately he wasn’t home but as we were getting ready to leave a young man came up to us and asked what we needed. After explaining why we were there, and we had some questions about the water in their village this young man took us on a little trip up the side of a hill to see what we needed to see, he was able to answer our questions and we found out he was the one who helped lay the pipes and water lines and was the orators son. There are no coincidences.
We were able to get 4 more possible projects in this week and we’re hoping to get them approved. Presently we have 10 projects going so far for this year, and 5 from 2017 that we are working on closing or just closed. Some of the projects we are doing range from school desks, emergency aid, vision, wheelchairs, water tanks, sewing machines and healthy cooking. It’s amazing what the LDS Charities is involved with.
“ LDS Charities is the humanitarian arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Our purpose is to relieve suffering, foster self-reliance and provide opportunities for service. Sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, LDS Charities follows the admonition of Jesus Christ to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, take in the stranger, clothe the naked and visit the sick and afflicted. We sponsor relief and development projects in 189 countries and give assistance without regard to race, religious affiliation, or nationality.”
It really is quite impressive, all the work they do for millions of people all over the world.
Life is never dull, and time is moving on so quickly, we continue to work hard but miss you all. Rissa will be here in about 32 sleeps, but who’s counting! Thank you for the package, dad loved his hats and t shirts, the book we received this past week, the  messages, videos, cards,. The picture of Lily the birthday girl was wonderful, the video of Chase with his tape measure and screw driver was so cute. The picture of Jordan and Esther's kids and their new hobby of miniature horses, like you guys are not busy enough already. Callum’s hand-written letter was great, the book and messages from the Brooks was so touching and all the Mother Day messages from family was wonderful. Nancy it was great to hear from you, Thank you. We are so blessed to have you all in our lives, the love and support we feel is overwhelming and I know I couldn’t be here so far away from you all without your love and support.
So many birthdays this month, Ali’s is coming up on the 16th, she is presently celebrating in Disneyworld, Jim Fenton, my Mom, Caleb, Boyde, Cousin Wayne, my Dad, so many reasons to celebrate. Life is good, and we are so richly blessed. We love and miss you all. Have a wonderful week and remember,
To Be Happy and To Be Kind!
Love you all,

Love Fresh Fruit! Pineapples 5 Tala

Eating Oranges

 Gift of Food and Light

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