Sunday, 18 February 2018

February 19/2018

February 19, 2018
Hello everyone, we’ve had a busy week here in Samoa. With the cyclone Gida leaving a path of destruction it has kept us busy. Scott and I were talking a few days ago about our meetings with Elder Fata (Area Seventy) when we first arrived here in Samoa and his concern about the ER containers and the need to get those organized and ready in case there was a disaster like a cyclone. We are thankful that we followed his inspiration and guidance in getting the containers ready for such a disaster as cyclone Gida. It was a lot of challenging work and many late nights but we’re sure glad it was done as the shovels, brooms, water filters, chain saws and other necessities were needed and used. There are still parts of the island without power and water and that leaves concerns about disease and other sicknesses. Scott and I spent Monday taking water and other supplies to our young missionaries that were unable to leave their places and were in need.
 We were able to arrange with the help of Elder Fata for this band called Culture Crew who were looking for a service project while over here to give a concert to help this young family whose home was hit hard by the cyclone.  Culture Crew came in and helped to remove so much garbage and debris, it was amazing to watch them work as hard as they did with a smile on their faces and love in their hearts. Service has a way of bringing out the very best in people. After the clean up they did a couple songs and helped to bring some much needed hope into the lives of this young couple, it was great to be a part of it. Culture Crew performed at many various places on the island and really helped lift the spirits of these great people.
LDS Charities does a major wheelchair project, Scott and I were able to go into the homes of some of the recipients that have wheelchairs and visit with them, making sure the chairs are in good working order and they are comfortable and using them as best they can. The people were thrilled to have us in their homes and so happy to have a chair, their gratitude was humbling, and it was another great lesson for me.
Scott and I visited with The Red Cross this past week and thought it would be a great idea to work with them. We donated several items which they were grateful for and are looking forward to working with them in the near future. There are people and groups everywhere that do so much to help, we are making some great contacts and looking forward to doing what we can to serve those in need.
Woke up Friday morning with such an overpowering sense of gratitude and love for my Savior, for all he has done and continues to do for me and my family. My heart was so full as Scott and I said our morning prayers, my thoughts were also on how thankful I am for a husband whose commitment and love for the gospel, our Savior and the work we are doing here is truly a testimony to me. We have been blessed beyond measure and I am thankful for that.
This weekend we watched some rugby which is huge here, it was fun to mingle with the locals. We didn’t understand a lot of the yelling and tried to figure out who Lionel was because he clearly was the star according to the fans. We did enjoy the enthusiasm.  We also headed to the beach this weekend which was really nice. We did some snorkelling, yes even I did. I still need Scott there with me and to hang on to, but I saw so many colorful fish, they were all pretty small which is probably a good thing, nothing too threatening. I’m quite thrilled I went a whole week without a cockroach on my face or a gecko landing on my neck. A momentous week!
It’s so fun to get pictures from home and the picture of Callum and his medal for Science Fair was great. I think that he is the only Cameron to get a medal and maybe the only Cameron to want to enter the Science Fair. Well done. It’s always good to see the accomplishments of our kids and grandkids. You are all involved in so many things. Caleb, we are still waiting for another joke! We loved the pictures of the NCN. It looked so fun and thank you to family and friends for all you did in making the 11th annual NCN another success. I’m so proud of each one of my children, spouses, Grandchildren and extended family for what each one of you bring to our family. There is a quote by President Hinckley that I think just fits us, “In all of living have much of fun and laughter, life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.”
One of my favorite songs written by Elder Bednar and music by Paul Cardell is One by One. I listen to it often as it brings a lot of peace and strength to me and fills me with a love and thankfulness for the many blessings that Scott and I continue to receive while we are serving and a stronger testimony that each one of us is important in the eyes of our Father in Heaven and our Savior. We love and miss you all and continue to pray for each one of you.
Love you tons,
Sister Cameron (Gramma)
Matareva Beach


Red Cross visit

Pesega students singing before concert
Culture Crew


  1. You two have had a couple of very busy months since you arrived in Samoa with a cyclone thrown in for good measure. We are glad you listened and followed the spirit to get the Emergency Rations ready to do. Also that you managed to avoid cockroaches and geckos. Thanks for sharing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I LOVE reading your posts and Scott's emails. I live vicariously through you. What an amazing experience you are having. Your testimonies strengthen me. Thank you for being such good examples for me. I'm so grateful that you came to stay with me last summer where we were able to refresh our friendship after so many years. Love and prayers I send to you. xo
