Saturday, 31 March 2018

April 1/2018

April 1/2018
Conference weekend and Easter, Scott and I were up early to watch conference and sustain the Prophet and leaders, it was good. I also saw from a picture sent to us that some of the grandkids did to. What a great teaching and learning experience that was. Elder Taylor G Godoy's talk “One More Day” gave me reason to think,  What would I do with one more day? Hmm, What would YOU do with one more day?
Scott and I spent most of this past week in the office, tying up loose ends and planning for the following weeks so I decided that I would just post some pictures of a few things we did.
Happy Anniversary Jordan and Esther! Nathanael’s Birthday on the 7th and Rowen’s on the 8th( don’t forget her gift, it’s probably in a closet somewhere!) 
Hope your week is wonderful, take something that you heard or felt from conference and place it into your lives to help you renew, brighten and to grow and then maybe take all that and help someone else to brighten and grow as well. We love you, Be happy and Be kind!

Kids Sustaining the Prophet Russell M. Nelson

Why buy bananas when you can go chop some down?

Kayaking with the Sisters in the ocean

A great day!  We work hard we deserve it!

Apia temple
Eye glasses to the hospital

Saturday, 24 March 2018

March 25/2018

March 25/2018
What a week,
We were fortunate this past week to be involved in the handover ceremony of a major vision project involving medical eye equipment and technology. Scott was able to pull it all together in a very short amount of time due to his great organizational skills under pressure. The MOH, the Ophthalmologist, a rep from New Zealand and one from Salt Lake were all in attendance to hand over the equipment including a portable Fundus camera that will make it possible to help and visit many in the outlying areas and Islands to improve overall care for the people of Samoa. It was a great gift and I know it will be used a lot. It is amazing what the church is involved with and the help that they give all over the world without a lot of publicity.
In all the craziness of trying to get the handover done we forgot about an appointment with a village about water tanks, they called Thursday morning to see if we were coming, Scott rescheduled the appointment but neither one of us felt good about it, so Scott called back and asked if it wasn’t too late that he could be there in about 45 mins. They were thrilled, so Scott headed out the door and over to the Village where a group of Matai’s were waiting with a feast. The Matai’s had been up early killing chickens, preparing fish and other delicacies. It was a great experience for him as they ate together then climbed the hills to their village and Scott was able to see why they need tanks, it’s a project we are hoping to come up with very soon.
Also this past week we took some tables to a Primary School that has no tables in their library. Sometimes there are left over tables, teachers Desks and other furniture from past shipments and we happened to have some that would work perfectly for this school. The teachers and kids were so happy and it was so fun. The kids sang and danced, we laughed, we hugged and it was wonderful. We will be heading out there again when we get some desks in. After our visit there Scott and I headed to Clam Beach which just happened to be right down the road. I saw the clams this time, I snorkeled out to them! Sometimes I can’t quite believe that I’m doing that!
I’m not very good with dates but I do always remember Gramma Cameron left this world on March 14/2002. She has been in my thoughts a lot lately and I am thankful for her. She was always an example of love and unselfishness. Sometimes when Scott feels the need to invite someone over or volunteers me to make something I remember the saying “just throw another potato in the pot.” How I miss her in my life and I know our kids do too. Also in March are several birthdays and I want to wish Scotty and Andrew, two of my son in laws a very Happy Birthday, I know you did and will celebrate in style cause that’s what you both do, enjoy life to the fullest.
Conference next weekend, I’m looking forward to the words and direction that we will receive from our prophet and other leaders that will speak to us. It is amazing to me that no matter where we are we can all hear the same council and receive our own revelation. Easter is also on that weekend a perfect time to ponder and contemplate our relationship with the Savior. I am thankful for my Savior, my brother, my friend. His entire existence witnesses to me that death is not the end. He came to earth not just to provide a perfect example for each one of us but to make it possible for each one of us to be together with our families forever despite our imperfections.  Tasha's 37th Birthday was on Friday March 23rd we still get messages from friends that remember her and loved her. Thank you for those messages we love them and they continue to be a source of love and strength to me and a reminder of the importance of this journey we are on.
 I am hoping there will be an Easter Madden get together, a time to visit, catch up and know where everybody is and of course what everybody is doing. I know we will be thinking of you all and the great food we will be missing. MMMMM, turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, vegetables, buns and PIE. I can’t go on anymore it’s making me homesick and hungry. If you are getting together enjoy and know we love and miss you. Sheila I heard you are flying to the Island to see Nancy. I’m so glad you are doing so many fun things, stretching yourself and seeing that there is a big world out there just waiting for you. It may never be the same once you get out there but what fun it will be.
At church today our primary and youth sang, they did so good the chorus of one of the songs touched me and I want to leave it as my closing thoughts.
“God gave us families, to help us become what he wants us to be
This is how he shares his love, for the family is of God.”

I hope your week is filled with everything good and that you take the time to enjoy all you have and have been blessed with. We love you and are grateful for each one of you and what you bring to our lives. Remember to be kind to one another, you never know what may be going on in someone else’s life.
Eat lots of Turkey!    Grandkids, I love each one of you and miss you all like crazy.
Sister Cameron ( Gramma)

Books, Books and more Books

Children at the Primary School

Hand over Ceremony

Village shower and laundry

Zach and the boys!

Snorkeling at Clam Beach

Saturday, 17 March 2018

March 18/2018

March 18/2018
Wow, I just had a moment (they are few and far between). I wasn't going to write a blog this week, thinking I didn't have much to say.  After reading Scott's email that he sends out I realized that there are people that read mine that don't see Scott's newsletter and there were things that happened this past week that touched our hearts and are important to share.
Scott and I went to Savai'i this past week and while doing some school site visits we went to a school that we heard needed desks. I had to fight back the tears as I saw many students sitting at desks that were in really rough shape ( I've included a picture). The principal at this Primary School and her husband out of their own pocket spend their evening and mornings before school starts making breakfast and lunches for the 200 children that attend school there so they can have a healthy meal. What an example of Love and Christ like charity.
Before Scott and I got here there was a container that came that had boxes and boxes of school books, We have been trying to go through these boxes and sorting them into ages, Primary School,  Middle School and College (High School). We have just about finished but we now have enough that when we go on site visits to schools we load the back of our truck with boxes of books and take them with us and if we see a need or feel prompted we will donate these to the different schools. The teachers and students are so happy and excited to receive these and we are happy to provide.  On one of our previous visits at a Primary School a young man mentioned he was in need of library books for the younger children so on our next visit we dropped by again and unloaded several boxes. It was rewarding to see the excitement of the children but the teacher was most thrilled.
The Diabetes Pilot Progrm is going great and we were able to spend some time with those involved in the program last week. There were a lot of kg's lost on the weigh scale and some really excited people. It is really rewarding to see these wonderful people work so hard to try and make a better life for them and their families. It can't be easy but sometimes the things worth having are not easy and that's why we appreciate them so much.
We have been blessed to meet some amazing people in our travels around the islands, and to see some heart warming things. Someone washing their hands with running water and soap, someone picking up  garbage  in the school yard, a smile, a kiss on the cheek,  these things continue to give us hope that yes, this is why we're here and to continue with the serving, teaching, guidance and love.
It doesn't matter where you are in the world, our Relief Society for The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints celebrated their  176 Birthday. It is the largest women's organization in the world, 7.1 million women and in over 188 countries. An amazing program of "Charity never Faileth."  President Hinckley once said " People wonder what we do for our women, I'll tell what we do. We get out of their way and look with wonder at what they're accomplishing."
I have been blessed to know and are friends with some great women, some who have passed on  like Gramma Cameron and many others  who consistantly display a quiet strength,  love, unselfishness,and kindness for others, you  are an example to me and am grateful for each one of you  in my life. Many of you have suffered some kind of hurt and pain, and continue to keep on moving forward with a smile on your face and the courage to keep on going. Thank you for your example.
Have a great week and remember Be Kind!
Sister Cameron( Gramma)

Sunday, 11 March 2018

March 11/2018

March 11/2018

Talofa Lava,
 I thought I’d start out with a few fun facts about Samoa,
Savaii has an ancient pyramid on the island called Pulemelei or Star Pyramid.
Canned tuna is Samoa’s most important manufactured export.
In Samoa it is acceptable for a family who have too many boys to raise the youngest one as a girl. He is known as a fa’afafine and given a girl’s name and wears feminine clothing.
Samoans are known throughout Polynesia as the “happy people” because of their good spirited nature.
On Tuesday Scott and I were able to deliver about 150 desks and some chairs to Malie a Primary School here in Upolu. What a wonderful experience that was. On Monday we did a site visit there, they have around 400 students half of them sat on the floor, we felt strongly that the next container of Furniture For Schools was to go there. We knew there was a container of desks but were having some difficulty getting it out of customs, we finally got the go ahead and Tuesday morning a container was delivered. It was great to see the excitement as we opened the container, the students helped unload it and were thrilled with the gift of used desks and chairs.  Every child that goes to school should have a desk and chair and that is something we are working on.
Buses here in Samoa are the main transportation, costing only around 3 talas. People stand, sit, sit on each others’ laps, switch seats regularly and try to squeeze as many people as they can onto a bus, there is no such thing as personal space. There are a few designated bus stops, but buses stop whenever someone flags them down and lets them off whenever someone asks to be let of, It can take a couple hours just to get from one village to another. It’s like a big party, the music is playing, people laughing and no one in a hurry to get anywhere. I think it’s safe to say the motto should be “Have patience, keep a smile on your face and enjoy the ride.”
Scott and I are headed to Savaii this week, we love Savaii, It’s a beautiful Island. We have several more site visits for schools and some for water tanks and a diabetes meeting to attend. I think besides every child needing a desk every family needs clean water. Something we often take for granted. So, the next time you have a glass of water or a nice, long hot shower think how lucky you are cause not everybody gets that luxury.
A few weeks back I was getting some groceries and saw Lays Potato chips, I bought a couple bags and they were so good. Then the other day I saw them again and bought some more, I also saw A&W Root beer (I don’t even drink pop) but I had to buy it, I was so excited, thought I’d died and gone to heaven. It’s funny how something like that can get you all excited. I’ve learned that if you see something like that you better stock up because you may never see it again.
It looks like a bit of a warming trend is coming your way, hopefully it will stick around for awhile. It has been a long, frosty winter for many of you. I saw a picture cousin Wayne sent, a lot of snow, it was crazy. I know Jordan made some great tobogganing hills at home for the kids. Some of my fondest memories as a child were playing in the huge snow drifts and making snow forts. Getting older has a way of not always seeing and remembering the “joy in the good ole days.”
There were so many Birthdays in March, I’m sorry if we missed them, But we wish you all a very Happy Birthday. President Monson celebrated his 90th birthday in August, he said his ideal birthday gift would be “find someone who is having a hard time or is ill and do something for them. That’s all I would ask.” Sounds like a great idea and definitely something our Prophet would have said.
Thank you to all who send pictures and comments to Scott and me. We love to read them. George, you make us laugh and we never quite know what you’re going to say. Cousin Wayne we are so glad you are getting around more, you know the saying “you can’t keep a good man down!” Rick, what kind of fish was that, it looked amazing.  Coleman, it was great to hear from you and to know it’s not a C,y but a K,i. keep plugging away and know our thoughts and prayers are always with you.
Once again, I’m thankful for tender mercies, the power of prayer and for listening to the promptings we can all receive. I am reminded again that Our Father in Heaven loves us and watches over our family. We are so far away and sometimes It’s hard to not be there to help, but I am truly thankful the way our children and family come together when needed.   President Dallin H. Oaks said, “Perhaps the most familiar and the most important examples of unselfish service and sacrifice are performed in our own families.”
I am seeing this more and more while Scott and I serve the Lord over here in Samoa you are all helping and serving each other. We love you and are grateful for each one of you and all you do.
Stay warm, enjoy the sun when it peeks out, be kind and love one another. Remember, everything you are learning now is preparing you for something else.
Elder and Sister Cameron (Gramma and Grampa)

Bus here in Samoa

Elder Cameron with students from Malie

Our adopted family, Lionel, Aotea, Lilysanna and Raihi

Student at Malie PS

Sunny Samoa

Sunday, 4 March 2018

March 5/2018

March 4/2018
Time seems to be flying by, I mentioned to Scott that I feel like I just posted my last blog and here I am writing another.
We had a really busy week, we were in Savai’i for the first part of the week doing site visits and joined in a diabetes meeting. We listened to the member’s talk of how difficult it is to break old habits, to try eating less and drink more water but not having clean water to drink. They eat a lot of Taro here, it is easy to grow and is very available. They cook it in many ways and is like a potato, I still have not acquired a taste for it yet. Mangoes are out of season right now and pineapples will soon be, you can get them in stores still, but it is getting rare to see them on the sides of the road for sale. Fruits in season right now are lychee, pomelo, vi, sour sop, tangerines and avocados. There are bananas but many of the trees were wiped out in the storm and will take years to grow.  In the Pacific only 1 out of every 10 people are getting enough fruits and vegetables to keep them healthy and protect them from developing diabetes and heart problems. There is a lot of fruit here in Samoa, but everything has a cost. Listening to the many testimonies of how important this program is to them and their families was very inspiring to me and once again I’m reminded of how grateful I am for all I’ve been blessed with.
Scott and I visited several more schools and found once again there is necessity for desks, chairs, books and running water. The list seems to grow and grow and we’re hoping to have enough to fill many of the needs because the happy faces and thankful hearts we see each time we talk to a teacher or student is heart warming and enriches our lives over and over again.
On Friday we had the opportunity to listen to Brother Brent Buckner Director of Temporal Affairs in the Pacific Area. The message he gave was to simplify, Strengthen the church in Self Reliance, adapt to local conditions and the importance of change. We were asked to have lunch with him and had the opportunity to talk to him about what we were working on, the diabetes program and some of the humanitarian projects we are doing.
I saw a question a while back that I often think about “What can I accomplish with the Lord’s help"  My mind goes back to a large mural I saw when Scott and I were at the mission home in Provo. A beautiful picture of Queen Esther, a woman who had strength, conviction, and a love for her people. At the peril of her life she goes unto the king to try and save her people. Esther 4:14 “Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this. ” I know with the Lord’s guidance we are able to help, love and serve the people here, the tender mercies I see everywhere, the testimonies I hear and the love I see, and feel are a witness to me that the Lord loves and cares for everyone of his children. That he is in the details and a constant reminder that we are not here for us but for him.
Saturday was Zumba, at 6:00 am, that’s right you read it right. Our one Stake in Upolu involved in the diabetes project runs a Zumba class and weigh in. The gym is full, and it is amazing the energy and fun that goes on. Scott being a great morning person is up and ready to go and I’m trying to drag myself out of bed, so I can go sweat and hurt afterwards. I must admit once there it was good and a wonderful way to start the day.
Scott and I love to get the pictures, videos and all the great reminders of what we’re missing back home. Scott and Janelle, what beautiful family pictures thanks for sharing, I’ll get those up on my family wall here in Samoa, so I can brag. Nate your video was pretty good, Grampa and I got a good laugh over it. I was finally able to not only talk to my sister Madge, but I was able to see her. She is counting down the days till she and Lynnette head to Florida to spend some time with our sister Sandie in the warm sun. They are going to a pre-season Blue Jay game and I’m pretty sure there will be some trouble and a lot of laughs involved in this little get away. I’m a bit envious but excited for the time and memories that they will make. Mom and Dad, hang in there, I know it has been a long chilly winter but soon there will be signs of Spring. Just keep looking for them and enjoy them when they come.
I love you all and miss you. I hope and pray that each one of you can have the courage and patience to simply face life and do what you need to, to not only simply face life but to simply love life. Be happy, Be kind.
Love you all,
Sister Cameron(Gramma)

I added just a couple of pictures from the Island of Savaii

Bread fruit

